So here it is…the results we’ve been waiting
for! I have always wanted to be a fly on the wall and been curious about what happens at other peoples' homes around dinner time (and it seems like a bunch of you are curious, too) and now I have some answers and the
data to back it up. For those of you who
didn’t see survey, here’s the run down. Last
week I created a survey that asked the participant to answer 5 questions about
personal drinking habits…how often, how much, why, etc. I have wondered about
this off and on have talked about it with friends and other moms- mostly the
morning after we maybe had 1 (or 2) too many.
So finally, I decided to get some real answers…are we alone, or do we
just feel like we are alone? I took the
first 100 responses and compiled the data below. As with any survey results, they are based on
the answers that the participants provided and are only as valid as the answers
given. Another disclaimer: I am in no way condemning or condoning any of these
behaviors. I am merely sharing my
experience and these results. Oh, and one last thing, I am assuming these
answers came from 100 women, but I am not completely certain because was is
As I suggested earlier, I have often wondered about
how much, how often, when, and why other women/moms drink throughout the week. I
guess this is partly because I want to be sure I am in the “acceptable” range
of what is normal even though I know it doesn’t matter what is right for others
if it isn’t right for me. But the more
and more I thought about this, the more I realized up until recently, I haven’t
had many conversations with other moms around this topic. In fact, it’s often
avoided at all cost. Maybe that is why I became so curious, and maybe that is
why I started having these conversations. One of these conversations in particular pops
out in my head and made a big impression on me.
I was talking to a college friend and we were talking about the stress
and pressures of everyday life. As we
each added to the list of responsibilities – job, husband, kids, family health issues, finances,
aging parents, taking on too much – and on and on I realized something. Over my adult years, I started as an employee,
added being a wife, added child 1, soccer coach, child 2, Treasurer of PTA,
business partner, child 3, room mother, student, Professional Coach, child 4… Over
the past 20+ years I have continually added responsibilities and activities to
my daily life without either 1.) making a conscious plan to remove activities
or 2.) creating a plan to deal with the added stress. This doesn’t start out as that big of a deal
when you get married and take on household responsibilities because it is fun
and exciting, but as the years, kids, and activities increase it is easy to see
how we end up stressed to the max and counting down the minutes until it is 5 o’clock
or whatever hour you find respectable to pour that 1st glass of wine
or pop open that beer.
Now that we have a little perspective about why/how
we got “here”, I’d like to make a few observations about the findings. All of my statements are based on the
information in the survey and are by no means a judgement about the
person/persons who chose the answer…I took this survey, too! Also, I am always
interested in what you think about things.
So, if you feel compelled to comment on the results, you are certainly welcome
as long as your intent is to enhance the conversation and not to judge or hurt
another. One last thing, I am NOT a
scientist so how I interpreted these results are solely based on my perceptions. Thank you again for all of you who
participated. I think the more we can
open this topic up to conversation the better for all of us!
So without further ado below are my observations
and here is the link to the results.
Question 1:
How often you have alcoholic drink/drinks during
the week?
3% answered that they don’t drink alcohol. One of the participants noted that she has
been in recovery for 7 years YAY!
21% of the participants only drink on special
occasions (a few of these also answered that they do drink alone in the
bathtub. I also consider that a special
occasion when I can take a bath alone!!)
13% only drink on the weekends.
34% a few nights a week.
13% every night (one participant noted that she
drinks one glass of red wine per night for the health benefits).
16% drink alcohol most nights.
Question 2:
Why do you drink alcohol? Check all that apply.
The #1 answer with 81% was to Unwind. I think I also answered that as one of my
reasons. While I find that it seems to
help in the moment, it also adds to my need to unwind either when I have a bad
night sleep or feel guilty for that extra beer I didn’t need or really want.
62% like the taste
58% drink to socialize
30% when stressed
13% it’s a habit
3% don’t know why
Question #3
Do you ever drink by yourself?
33% sometimes
29% yes
19% never
16% I’m NEVER alone
Do you ever think you may drink too much?
33% yes
54% no
11% I don’t know
Question #5
How many kids do you have?
The answers here ranged from 0-5 kids and while I wondered
if there would be a correlation between the number of kids and frequency or amount of drinking, I
did not find that in the results.
Thanks again for your honesty and participation!
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