Monday, April 15, 2013

Oh when the Saints come marchin' in

Oh when the Saints come marchin' in...
You might think that coaching an Under 6 Soccer team, the Saint Francis Saints (at a Catholic School no less), would be a wholesome, let's all learn the game, everyone gets to play, feel-good experience... I did; and that is how I coach my team.  Aparently, that isn't always the case.  Now, don't get me wrong, I played competetive soccer for years, and I cannot honestly say that I can set aside my drive and desire to win just because the players are 5 years old.  But I can say that I know I am a coach now, not a player.  And now, I am participating in a different capacity.  My job is to teach 10 five year olds the game of soccer, skills and sportsmanship alike.  Some may say that it is just teaching kids to kick a ball, but I say it's WAY more than that! 
Coaching soccer, or any sport for that matter, is way more than teaching a child a physical skill or a bunch of rules.  It is more like a lesson in life.  In fact, one might say it is a microcosm of "real life".  Life has rules...Soccer has rules.  Some players want nothing more than to be in the game...some are just as happy watching on the sidelines.  Sometimes you get a fair call, but others times you don't.  Sometimes if you just show up you win, and others you give your absolute, very best and it just isn't good enough.  There are gracious winners and sore losers. You win some; you lose some.  And such is life. 
I'd like to think that all coaches are in it for the good of the kids, but in just two seasons as a U6 soccer coach I'm pretty sure that is not always the case. My Saints played a heck of a game on Saturday!  They dribbled, they passed, they defended, they scored.  They played as a team on the field and on the sidelines.  I can't tell you how awesome it is to see your players on the sidelines cheering for their teammates instead of kicking dirt while poking their friends!  They are excited on and off the field, and with ten players on the team that plays 5 v 5, we sub a lot.  To see all of them cheer as their friends score goals...AWESOME!  Today, our team won after lots of teamwork and great plays.  I could not be more proud of our players! 
Unfortunately, my Saints saw the ugly side of competition today...whether they realized it or not.  The team we played were less experienced than our players, but hustled none the less.  They gave their ALL for 40 minutes and that is what most coaches dreams of at any age...Well most is not all...At some point in the first half I was told by the Assistant Coach of the opposing team to stay on my own side of the field as I coached my players into position...ummm, ok.  Sorry?  Was she really telling me to get off her "side"?  Well, yes.  Yes she was.  She told me each time I neared the center line.  She also told the parents of her players not to talk to their own kids during the game...WHAT? 
Well, the worst of the worst came after the game was over and we all lined up to shake hands and say "good game".  Not only did she refuse to shake our hands, she requested an age verification on one of our players...she accused us of cheating.  My team of 5 and 6 year olds played their hearts out today and a Coach refused to shake their hands and called us cheaters!  I am pretty sure my Saints did not notice her abscence and I did not make a big tadoo about it or the "age verification", but what does her team hear?  What does her team learn from her actions?  If we are teaching our players about life, what did they just learn on Saturday morning? 
And so my Saints marched out with a big win and I am so proud of them.  And in this little simulacrum of reality, I see that we are all at different stages of our journey.  Some may have not even begun.  If you ask me and my Saint "Are we there yet?", I can say that we are well on our way.  At least for this season! 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect
I often wonder why my very fancy Nikon camera cannot take better pictures of my children...and then finally I accept the blame, or worse, blame my children.  Kids just can't sit still...can they?  We are very fortunate to live in a time of digital photography and photo shop.  We can subtract pimples and pounds in a few points and clicks (well, some of us, I can't seem to get all three kids in focus).  And I'm pretty sure because of this excessive editing, we seem to have come to expect that we, too, are expected to lead the picture perfect life that we see on magazine covers and Facebook.  I'm not innocent!  My extended family came to visit for Easter and I made lists of things to buy, clean, rearrange...EDIT!  I made all of my preparations for my Easter baskets, egg hunts, church outfits, dinner menus, all after a major overhaul of our home.  The funny thing is, I like our home...
Why is it that we spend so much time making our lives, homes, and facebook pages picture perfect for everyone else to see?  If it is good enough for husband...MY KIDS, shouldn't it be good enough for everyone else?  Well, now, I say, "Yes!  Take me as I am!  Love me or leave me!".  But with just hours to spare before the arrival of my family- including my Aunt and Uncle that wrote the book on order and cleanliness being next to Godliness, I have to say...those were not my exact words.  Not. Even. Close.  And then, I really think about it...why am I making all of these preparations for our Easter company, but not one of them is preparing me for Easter!
"And God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son".  John 3:16.  Isn't that what is REALLY picture perfect?  Ugh!  Why do we get so far from the things that are really important...
And after all that, here I am, on the Wednesday after Easter, looking at the ONLY facebook worthy picture that I took...but the funny thing is, the whole weekend was Picture Perfect!  We celebrated with joy and laughter.  We ate, we drank, we watched our kids play...and I ask myself if it would have been any different had I not swept the garage.  Maybe, maybe not.  But I bet I won't remember what chores I didn't get to finish.  I will remember that Jay, Parker, and Andrew had a ball hiding and finding Easter eggs.  I will also remember that Evan loves for me to scratch his head, Parker loves having "folks come over", Jay hit a home run on Opening Day at his ball game, and Wills LOVED all of the action.  The guys could spend days reliving their golf game as the ladies reveal their purchases made during "retail therapy".  And all the while, we are living in a world where we do not have to be Picture Perfect.  Jesus took care of that for us...
Are we there yet?  No, but a bit closer, I think...